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"This parish comprises the townships of Bradbury, Butterwick, Embleton, Fishburn, Foxton and Shotton, Mordon, and Sedgefield. It forms the north-western extremity of Stockton ward, as at present constituted; and is bounded on the north by Trimdon and Kelloe, on the north-west by and west by Bishop Middleham in Durham ward, and Aycliffe in Darlington ward, on the south by Stainton-le-Street and Redmarshall, on the south-east by Grindon, and on the east by Elwick Hall. It is the head of a union, the workhouse and county asylum being within Sedgefield Township.

"Bradbury and the Isles form a township whose area is 2043 acres, and ratable value £9357. The village of Bradbury is situated on the Skerne, two and a half miles west of Sedgefield, and formerly possessed a chapel of ease, dedicated to St. Nicholas.

"Butterwick Township, which includes the manor of Old Acres, is principally the property of H. T. T. Salvin, Esq., and contains 1495 acres. The annual value is £850. The hamlet of Butterwick, which contains four farmhouses, is about two miles east by north from Sedgefield. The old manor-house of Old Acres is very pleasantly situated two miles east from Sedgefield, and at present occupied as a farmhouse, and called Old Acres Hall. During the summer season this picturesque old hall, with its fine trees, and pleasant walks by which it is surrounded, is quite a favourite resort for picnics from the neighbouring towns.

"Fishburn Township has an area of 2082 acres, and the ratable value £1726. The village of Fishburn is situated on the side of a hill, about two miles north of Sedgefield.

"Foxton and Shotton form a township with an area of 1787 acres, and an annual ratable value of £1502. The hamlet of Foxton, which comprises three farmhouses, is three miles south of Sedgefield.

"Mordon Township contains 1537 acres. The ratable value is £5613. The village of Mordon, which presents no marked change, is situated two miles south-west of Sedgefield, overlooking Mordon Carrs, an extensive level, through which flows the Skerne and its tributaries, frequented by wild duck, &c.

"Sedgefield Township comprises an area of 5171 acres, and the annual ratable value is £9422. The town of Sedgefield is situated on the turnpike road between Durham and Stockton, and is 10 miles from the former and 9 from the latter place. It is distant by road, 14 miles from Hartlepool, 24 from Sunderland, 25 from Gateshead, 11 from Darlington, and 248 from London. The town occupies an elevated position, on dry gravelly soil, and is consequently airy, pleasant and salubrious. In the centre is a large area on which a market was held formerly every Friday, and cattle fairs on the first Fridays in April and October. The markets, however, are now almost obsolete; but there is an annual agricultural show, held about the end of August, and a horse show on the first Friday of April.

"According to another old custom, the parish clerk is obliged to furnish a football on Shrove Tuesday, which he throws into the market place, where it is contested for by the mechanics against the agriculturalists of the town and neighbourhood."

[From History, Topography and Directory of Durham, Whellan , London, 1894]


The monumental inscriptions in the old cemetery have been transcribed, indexed and published by the Cleveland Family History Society.
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"Bradbury and the Isles: The population in 1801 was 106; in 1811, 125; in 1821, 132; in 1831, 147; in 1841, 167; in 1851, 171; in 1861, 174; in 1871, 165; in 1881, 193; and in 1891, 223 souls.

"Butterwick Township: The number of inhabitants in 1801 was 60; in 1811, 49; in 1821, 54; in 1831, 38; in 1841, 51; in 1851, 64; in 1861, 48; in 1871, 58; in 1881, 61; and in 1891, 57.

"Fishburn Township: The population in 1801 was 154; in 1811, 171; in 1821, 192; in 1831, 212; in 1841, 239; in 1851, 261; in 1861, 255; in 1871, 288; in 1881, 317; and in 1891, 290.

"Foxton and Shotton: The number of inhabitants in 1801 was 53; in 1811, 62; in 1821, 63; in 1831, 73; in 1841, 44; in 1851, 58; in 1861, 56; in 1871, 49; in 1881, 58; and in 1891, 52.

"Mordon Township: The population in 1801 was 101; in 1811, 127; in 1821, 124; in 1831, 174; in 1841, 161; in 1851, 163; in 1861, 179; in 1871, 203; in 1881, 171; and in 1891, 133 souls.

"Sedgefield Township: The population in 1801 was 1184; in 1811, 1307; in 1821, 1268; in 1831, 1429; in 1841, 1345; in 1851, 1362; in 1861, 1808; in 1871, 2048; in 1881, 2601; and in 1891, 2816. This includes 1150 in the County Asylum."

[From History, Topography and Directory of Durham, Whellan , London, 1894]

The 1851 Census Index (booklet 44) published by the Cleveland Family History Society may be of value to researchers interested in this parish.

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Church History

"The Church, dedicated to St. Edmund the Bishop, is a fine cruciform structure of stone, combining the early and later styles of Gothic architecture."

[From History, Topography and Directory of Durham, Whellan , London, 1894]

There is a picture (20 kbytes) of the parish church of St. Edmund, Sedgefield; supplied by Paul R. Joiner.

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Church Records

"The parish register commences in 1580." [From History, Topography and Directory of Durham, Whellan , London, 1894]

The Parish Registers for the period 1580-1991 are deposited at Durham County Record Office, County Hall, Durham, DH1 5UL (EP/Se).

Marriage indexes for 1581-1729 and 1730-1837 from the George Bell Collection of Durham and Northumberland Indexes.

The Marriages (1581-1837) are included in the Joiner Marriage Index.

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