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Middleton St George

"This village comprises the township of Middleton St. George, with the exception of the vill of Goosepool, which is within the ecclesiastical parish of Long Newton. It is bounded on the north-east by Long Newton, on the north by Sadberge, on the west by Dinsdale, on the south by the river Tees, and on the east by Egglescliffe, extending to within three and a half miles of Yarm, and four and a half east by south of Darlington. The area of the township is 2050 acres; ratable value, £6862. Its ratable value in 1875 was nearly £14,000, but since the closing of the blast furnaces, and diversion of the mineral traffic by the Simpasture route, the ratable value has fallen fifty per cent.

"The village of Middleton-one-Row, or Over Middleton, is situated five miles east-south-east from Darlington, and consists principally of one long row of good houses near the bank of the Tees. Owing to its proximity to the Dinsdale baths, this place has much improved of late years; many private dwellings of a superior character have been built, adding much to the appearance of the village.

"On the west of the village runs the branch of the Roman road called Rikenild Street, which crossed the river at Pounteys Bridge, some traces of which are visible at low water. AT this place, in the reign of one of the Plantagenet kings, the Pope's nuncio was robbed by the band under Sir Roger de Middleton. Owing to the bad repute of the district, and the lawless character of the people, the road by Croft was opened as being safer for travellers. Between the church of St. Laurence and the west end of the village are traces of earthworks, said to mark the site of one of Earl Seward's strong places. There are traditions of several monastic foundations, said to have existed in this parish, notably a friarage, occupying the site called the Friaries. On the sloping bank adjoining is the Friars' well, noted for its water; also on the site known as Towerhill stood what is generally understood to have been a British camp. Various fragments of Roman tiles, bricks, &c., were found by workmen when digging in Mr. Barnard's grounds. The street mentioned above, after crossing by Pountey's Bridge, ran directly northwards through Sadberge, Great Stainton, by way of Garmondsway Moor to South Shields, where a considerable Roman station existed."

[From History, Topography and Directory of Durham, Whellan , London, 1894]


The monumental inscriptions in the churchyard have been transcribed, indexed and published by the Cleveland Family History Society.
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"The number of inhabitants in 1801 was 215; in 1811, only 202; in 1821, about 209; in 1831, it rose to 299; in 1841, 433; in 1851, 332; in 1861, 294; in1871, 826; in 1881, 1103; and in 1891, 870 souls."

[From History, Topography and Directory of Durham, Whellan , London, 1894]

The 1851 Census Index (booklet 50) published by the Cleveland Family History Society may be of value to researchers interested in this parish.

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Church History

"The Parish Church, dedicated to St. George, is situated on elevated ground, to the south-east of the village of Middleton-one-Row, and is a small plain structure, consisting of a nave, chancel, and embattled western tower, added in 1883-4. In 1889 the church was restored and reseated; the cost, £150, was raised by subscription. It will accommodate 150 persons.

"St. Laurence's chapel-of-ease to the parish, situated to the west of the village, is a handsome stone building in the Early English style, consisting of nave, chancel, south porch, and small tower and spire. It was erected in 1871, at a cost of over £2000; sittings are provided for 300 persons."

[From History, Topography and Directory of Durham, Whellan , London, 1894]

There is a picture (38 kbytes) of the church of St. Laurence, Middleton St. George; supplied by Paul R. Joiner.

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Church Records

"The parish register commences in 1630." [From History, Topography and Directory of Durham, Whellan , London, 1894]

The Parish Registers for the period 1616-1972 are deposited at Durham County Record Office, County Hall, Durham, DH1 5UL (EP/Mi.SG).

Marriage indexes for 1616-1837 (14 kbytes) from the George Bell Collection of Durham and Northumberland Indexes.

The Marriages (1616-1837) are included in the Joiner Marriage Index.

The following records for churches in the ancient parish of Middleton St. George are also available at Durham County Record Office, County Hall, Durham, DH1 5UL:-

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