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"This parish formerly included the whole of the joint-townships of Hedworth, Monkton, and Jarrow, but on the formation of the parish of St. Cuthbert Hebburn in 1875, and that of Hedworth in 1878, those portions of the parish became separate. Jarrow parish now includes the whole of the municipal borough and the village of Monkton, and comprises, in addition to the mother parish of St. Paul's, the ecclesiastical parishes of Christ Church and St. Peter's.

"The Township - Jarrow is a part of the joint-townships of Hedworth, Monkton, and Jarrow, whose united area is 2826 acres, and ratable value £185,000."

[From History, Topography and Directory of Durham, Whellan, London, 1894]



Archives and Libraries

The reference library at South Shields holds a lot of information.


"The population of this extensive township in 1801 was 1566; in 1811, 3193; in 1821, 3530; in 1831, 3598; in 1841, 3600; in 1851, 3835; in 1861, 6494; in 1871, 24,361; in 1881, 37,545; and in 1891, 52,000."

[From History, Topography and Directory of Durham, Whellan, London, 1894]

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Church Records

For Anglican church records see individual Parishes.

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Civil Registration

The register office is located at Suffolk Street, Jarrow, but is shortly to be re located at the town hall.


Jarrow has a local history group, active at the branch library Cambrian Street.
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