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"The parish of Hunstanworth is bounded on the north by the Derwent, on the north-west by the imaginary line which divides Durham and Northumberland, on the south-west and south by Stanhope parish, and on the east by Edmundbyers. It comprises no independent townships. The area of the parish is 10,380 acres, and its ratable value £2000.


"The number of inhabitants in 1801 was 215; in 1811, 386; in 1821, 411; in 1831, 511; in 1841, 567; in 1851, 615; in 1861, 778; in 1871, 704; in 1881, 502; and in 1891, 271 souls."

[From History, Topography and Directory of Durham, Whellan, London, 1894]

Church History

"The Church, dedicated to St. James, was formerly an ancient small building, like others in the district, as Edmundbyers and Ebchester, but was replaced in 1862 by the present handsome edifice, erected by the late Rev. Daniel Capper, at that time holder of the property. The church is in the Early English style, and consists of nave with north aisle, apsidal chapel, south porch, and a tower on the north-east. The interior is well furnished with pitch pine; and the chancel, which is divided from the nave by two chamfered arches, springing from carved corbels, is lighted by three two-light windows; filled with stained glass. The living is a vicarage valued at £300, in the patronage of Edward Joicey, Esq. Rev. Peter Cooke Jones, M.A., vicar."

[From History, Topography and Directory of Durham, Whellan, London, 1894]

There is a picture (13 kbytes) of the parish church of St. James, Hunstanworth; supplied by George Bell.

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Church Records

"The parish register commences in 1724." [From History, Topography and Directory of Durham, Whellan , London, 1894]

The Parish Registers for the period 1659-1960 are deposited at Durham County Record Office, County Hall, Durham, DH1 5UL.

The Parish Registers are deposited at Northumberland Record Office, Melton Park, North Gosforth, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE3 5QX for the periods:-

 Marriage indexes for 1770-1837 (8 kbytes) from the George Bell Collection of Durham and Northumberland Indexes.

The Marriages (1770-1837) are included in the Joiner Marriage Index.

Index to the Burials 1813-1837.

There is a small file of 22 baptisms. Wolsingham and Weardale Baptisms. The source was Durham Record Office document DRO D/Ph35/1-2 which is described as Wolsingham and Weardale Baptisms - denomination unknown.

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Description and Travel

"The village of Hunstanworth is twelve miles south of Hexham, twenty-five west by south of Newcastle, and eight miles south-west of Stanhope, at the western extremity of Chester Ward.

"The "Vill of Hunstanworth" extends from the foot of Boltsburn, along the south bank of the river Derwent, as far as the small stream of "Stauny Burn," which forms the boundary between it and the adjoining parish of Edmundbyers. The valley of the Derwent here is very beautiful, and no more enjoyable "outing" can be found than a drive from Shotley Bridge through Edmundbyers to Blanchland, where, after surveying the remains of the ancient abbey and monastic buildings, still remaining almost perfect, and which are extremely interesting, a walk of two miles leads the visitor through beautiful scenery up the valley of the Derwent, with steep hanging woods on each side, up to "Gibraltar," a place curiously scarped, and arranged apparently for defence, lying at the junction of the Neucton and Beldon burns.

"In the churchyard stands the remains of one of the few peel towers to be found in the county, but of which, for many years, only the lowest vaulted storey had remained, which also fell down a few years ago. The building was a rectangled oblong, standing east and west, and measuring 42 feet in length by 22 1/2 in breadth.

"The Derwent Lead Mines. - These mines were formerly worked by a London company, but had lain waste for a number of years, when in 1805 their working was recommenced by a company called the Arkendale and Derwent Company, and were extensively worked for a considerable number of years. The works, however, were finally closed in 1881, and, consequent on the decrease in population, most of the cottages are deserted, and are falling to decay."

[From History, Topography and Directory of Durham, Whellan, London, 1894]

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