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Auckland St Helen

"St. Helen's Auckland township and village contains 1480 acres. The ratable value in 1893 was £8679.

"The village of St. Helen's Auckland is situated three miles south-south-west of Bishop Auckland, on the road from that place to Barnard Castle. It possesses a large open area, round which are built the houses, and through which the main thoroughfare passes. There are several interesting old houses and an ancient hall."

[From History, Topography and Directory of Durham, Whellan , London, 1894]


Auckland St Helen: The monumental inscriptions in the churchyard have been transcribed, indexed and published by the Cleveland Family History Society.
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Auckland St Helen

"The township contained in 1801, 206 inhabitants; in 1811, 209; in 1821, 220; in 1831, 410; in 1841, 720; in 1851, 789; in 1861, 842; in 1871, 972; in 1881, 918; and in 1891, 923."

[From History, Topography and Directory of Durham, Whellan , London, 1894]

The 1851 Census Index (booklet 113) published by the Cleveland Family History Society may be of value to researchers interested in this parish.


The 1851 Census Index (booklet 119) published by the Cleveland Family History Society may be of value to researchers interested in this parish.

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Church History

West Auckland

There is a picture (21 kbytes) of the parish church of St. Helen, West Auckland; supplied by Richard Hird.


"The church, dedicated to St. Cuthbert, is a stone building, consisting of neat nave and chancel with square tower, erected in 1832, at a cost of £700, which was chiefly defrayed by Bishop Van Mildert and the Church Building Society."

[From History, Topography and Directory of Durham, Whellan , London, 1894]

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Church Records

Auckland St Helen

"The parish register dates from 1593." [From History, Topography and Directory of Durham, Whellan , London, 1894]

The Parish Registers for the period 1593-1931 are deposited at Durham County Record Office, County Hall, Durham, DH1 5UL (EP/Au.SH).

Marriage indexes for 1593-1837 (76 kbytes) from the George Bell Collection of Durham and Northumberland Indexes.

The Marriages (1653-1837) are included in the Joiner Marriage Index


The Parish Registers for the period 1834-1939 are deposited at Durham County Record Office, County Hall, Durham, DH1 5UL (EP/Eth).

The Marriages (1834-1837) are included in the Joiner Marriage Index

The following records for churches in the ancient parish of Auckland St. Helen are also available at Durham County Record Office, County Hall, Durham, DH1 5UL:-

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Description and Travel

A description of Etherley Parish and Township.

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